Oscar Macchioni
A native of Argentina, is an accomplished solo and collaborative
pianist, professor, lecturer, author, and adjudicator. Critics have praised his clarity of
lines, tone quality, expressive phrasing, and the amiable way he presents his programs.
Oscar has performed extensively in his native Argentina, Italy, England, Poland,
Serbia, Turkey, Mexico, and the USA, at notable locations such as Weill Recital Hall at
Carnegie Hall, Teacher's College at Columbia University, Steinway Hall St Martin in
the Fields and James's Piccadilly in London, the Querceto International Piano Festival
in Italy, and the National Conservatory in Argentina. His live performance in the
esteemed Myra Hess Memorial Concerts at the Chicago Cultural Center has been
broadcast on radio and television. His programs include an eclectic repertoire from
Bach and Brahms to Piazzolla and Bolcom. He is an assiduous performer of classical
Latin American repertoire.
A dedicated teacher and mentor, Dr. Macchioni is much in demand as an adjudicator
at various state, national, and international piano competitions and festivals, including
the Bangkok International Chopin Competition, the European Piano Teachers
Association, Piano Examinations Committee of Taiwan, MTNA, and the International
Keyboard Odyssiad and Festival among others. His lecture-recitals and presentations
at international conferences have received numerous accolades, including the Second
International Vernacular Conference in Puebla, Mexico (Outstanding Musical
Presentation) and The European Piano Teachers Association (Diploma of Excellence).
His book, The Tango in American Piano Music, was published in 2010 by the College
Music Society's Cultural Expressions in Music series. His debut CD, Mostly Tangos:
Piano Music from the Americas, has been released with favorable reviews by Eroica
Classical Records. Centaur Records released his albums, Piazzolla da Camera and
Latin American Duos. He has published articles on a variety of piano literature and
piano pedagogy topics in the American Teacher Magazine and Piano Pedagogy Forum.
He has been featured in Piano: La Lettre du Musicien (France), Piano Education Page
(USA), and various music magazines, radio, and T.V. programs.
In 2015, Oscar received the most prestigious University of Texas System teaching
award, the "Regents' Outstanding Teaching Award," and in 2019, he was inducted into
the "UTEP Academy of Distinguished Teachers." He has been sponsored by the
Smithsonian Institution of Washington, D.C. (graduate researcher), the Polish
Government, the Organization of American States, and the Leschetizky Association of
New York. He received the Music Teachers National Association "StAr Award," and
was named "Distinguished Graduate Student" by the University of Arizona. He is a
recipient of several grants, most recently the Texas Commission on the Arts through
the El Paso Museums and Cultural Affairs Department, to perform concerts in
underserved communities. He studied piano at the Universidad Nacional de Tucumán
(Argentina), the Krakow Academy of Music (Poland), Louisiana State University, and
the University of Arizona (USA). Oscar is a tenured Associate Professor of Piano
Pedagogy at the University of North Texas College of Music. Previously, he was a full
tenured Professor of Piano, Assistant Chair, and Keyboard Area Coordinator at the
University of Texas at El Paso, where he held the Bonnie Brooks Professorship in
Music. Oscar Macchioni is an Steinway Artist.
Check his website www.oscarmacchioni.net and his professional portfolio
SelectedWorks - Oscar Macchioni (bepress.com)