Bohuslav Rattay
Czech-American conductor Bohuslav Rattay is a busy ambassador for classical music, working with
orchestras across the globe to produce symphonic works of all kinds to a diverse audience.
Currently serving as Music Director of the El Paso Symphony Orchestra and the Midland Symphony
Orchestra of Michigan, he has gained a reputation as one of the finest talents of his generation. Mr.
Rattay combines impassioned and virtuosic musicianship with a determination to bring great music
into the lives of all people.
Mr. Rattay strives to enthusiastically promote both the traditional and innovative aspects of classical
music together in a manner exciting and fresh for the audience. He is designs unique concert
programs, incorporating special audience discussions and multi-media elements. He is also
appreciated for his passion for the classics, with special appreciation often given to his insightful
understanding of the music of his native Bohemia. Critics have praised Rattay for his ability to
communicate the depth and diversity of music to his audience, acclaiming: “Rattay is certainly the
man for Tchaikovsky’s fourth” (Charleston Today), and for the fashionable, “Watching him conduct is
like watching a painter creating rich imagery to live music on a large canvas” (El Paso Times). His
programming is intelligent and expansive, allowing him to connect to a broad range of audience,
thus creating new symphony-goers while entertaining the enthusiasts.
Rattay’s talents and abilities are highly praised. He is internationally acclaimed by critics and
audiences alike for his fresh and inspired musical interpretations. He has received accolades for his
“vibrant” performances and his “elegant panache,” (Charleston City Paper), his ability to lead the
orchestra with his “infectious zest and physicality,” (Midland Daily News), and his one-of-a-kind
artistry, bringing “personal perspective... that will be remembered for many years,” (Duluth News
His overflowing passion for classical music is highly solicited, appearing as guest conductor with the
Colorado Symphony, the Duluth-Superior Symphony, the Lubbock Symphony Orchestra, the Bogota
Sinfonica de Colombia, the Antalya Symphony in Turkey, and the Teplice Philharmonic in his native
Czech Republic. Other recent engagements include the Virginia Symphony, West Michigan
Symphony, the Irving Symphony Orchestra, Prague’s Dvořák Symphony Orchestra, and the
Charleston (SC) Symphony, where he received several critical accolades. He has also conducted
the National Symphony Orchestra as part of the National Conducting Institute and was selected by
the American Symphony Orchestra League to participate in its Conducting Fellowship Program.
Believing in the power of education, Mr. Rattay is a committed pedagogue of the younger
generations. He recently joined the music faculty at the University of Texas at El Paso, and has been
a faculty member of the College of William and Mary, Ball State University, and youth orchestras
across the United States. The combination of his youthful energy along with his conducting skills
make him highly valued as an inspirational mentor.
Mr. Rattay holds degrees from the Prague Conservatory, Rice University and the Peabody Institute
of Music. He names Gustav Meier, Larry Rachleff, Benjamin Kamins, and Neeme Jarvi as his most
influential teachers